I avenge the wrongs done to me by venting them out as words.
Chris Mallika Bhadra
MRAs everywhere: “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Or so I hear. I’ve never actually met one.”
Three hours. Three hours and sixteen minutes, to be exact. It didn’t matter anyway. She had completely lost track of time, after his call. At first she’d thought…
Now, we have grown up to enjoy nothing at all. Did we realize that in the midst of all this, our hearts were growing dark as well?
It’s as if the house was incomplete without that tiny little piece of furniture.
You were born little and tiny but the excitement I felt was uncontainable.
Her world was indefinite, her spirits unbound. For she knew she had nothing to fear and nothing to lose. Each passing day, she was her own competitor in the long race in her mind.