My mãe works all the time, and still our financial circumstances are so strenuous that we rely on the church for our monthly groceries.
This breath is mine.
This breath is mine.
The legend of Popocateptl and Iztaccihuatl, the star-crossed lovers who became mountains, and now guard Mexico City.
stretch leg high
eyes ahead
core tight
Recently, we published a piece called ‘Passport pains’. Following publication, we received feedback on it…
Derrick skates ahead, leaping into the air. Triple axel. Yvonne applauds, mesmerised by the way his image arches with the fountain spray.
Body contorts in its retrospect.
Seeking relief.
As a person of colour born in Sri Lanka, my identity is under constant surveillance.
Man considers this terrestrial photograph like they would their own animal reflection.
After I scream, I turn on the radio. Toxic plays and I lie back down.