Djed Press is created on the colonised lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. Sovereignty has never been ceded. This land has always been, and always will be, Aboriginal land.
Bridget Harilaou is a mixed-race Asian-Australian with a single-minded passion for intersectional social justice and trouble-making (aka activism). She writes extensively about politics and race, and has been published in Junkee, HuffPost Blog and Honi Soit. As a radical anarcho-feminist things can get heavy; Bridget likes to unwind by enjoying the finer things in life, like spicy ethnic food and male tears.
One of my friends asked what was in my hand. “It’s green!” I think she said. I clenched my fist tighter. What kind of ‘normal’ cake is green? A light, almost fluorescent green at that.