When it all gets too much,
when my thoughts start running faster than my mind can catch up with,
and when I start to contemplate everything that’s wrong with me –
I just stop.
And imagine.
I imagine where I was, at 1.38pm, 25th June, 2018.
Scotland, a waterfall, surrounded by trees and branches, spilling through rocks and canyons. The sun split the image of those trees and the water glistened through the skies.
And there I was.
In an oversized life jacket, about to take my first leap into that wild water bank. I had nothing with me or attached to me, and I jumped with my faith in God held close to my chest.
And once I jumped and landed in the water, my face eventually rose up into the air. I remember just floating in the water. Just floating. Just being. Just living, amidst the natural glory created around me. And I was so content.
It was just the water, the sun, me and my Creator.
When my mind eventually leaves that gentle place, I tell myself this current reality need not be so harsh. If only I float through my thoughts as placidly as I can, relying on my faith as my life jacket, I can take all the leaps I desire into the unpredictability of this life.
I can float. I can live, amidst the pictures painted around me. And I can be content. I can be.
Because it’s still just the water, the sun, me and my Creator.
About the author
Sajda Yakub is a born Melbournian, her father being born in London, her mother being an immigrant from Fiji, and her ancestors being slaves from Uttar Pradesh in India.